Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation today said it was going to bring out a notification making littering punishable with a fine.
The notification declaring `litter-free’ areas will come into force from August 1 and cover eight roads in the city including one in Jubilee Hill, commissioner Somesh Kumar said.
“It shall be the responsibility of generator of waste to avoid littering and ensure delivery of waste in accordance with the system to be notified by the municipal authority,” he said.
The corporation will make arrangements for collection of garbage through garbage collectors on these eight roads. The owners and occupiers of all premises on these roads including the street vendors shall store their garbage in own premises.
If any garbage is found in front of a shop or a push-cart it will be presumed the culprit is the owner or the vendor.
“If any person is found dumping or throwing the garbage or litter on these eight stretch/ roads after the notification comes into force, he/she will be fined Rs 500 for first violation, Rs 1,000 for second violation, Rs 3,000 for third violation and Rs 5,000 for fourth violation. Fine of Rs 10,000 will be imposed besides cancellation of trade license and criminal prosecution will be initiated against such violators (on the fifth occasion),” the GHMC commissioner said.
On conviction, he/she will be liable for imprisonment which may extend to three months or a fine which may extend to Rs 10,000, the release added.
source: / Deccan Herald / Home> LifeStyle / PTI / Hyderabad – July 30th, 2014